
Master Stocks Trading 50 Years Overview Analysis Google Spreadsheet Download Bundle

Compare and track side-by-side all your years of trading in the stock market in great detail and precision.




View Up To 50 Years Of Your Stocks Trading Analysis Information Using Our Master Google Spreadsheet

Now together with our ultimate day & swing trading 1-year tracker spreadsheet, you can combine multiple years into one master spreadsheet designed to show you up to 50 years of your stocks trading progress and analysis with all your numbers not to mention useful and easy to read charts. This master 50 years spreadsheet will use our Ultimate Day & Swing Trading 1-year Tracker Spreadsheet. Compare and track side-by-side all your years of trading in the stock market in great detail and precision. 

Master Stocks Trading 50 Years Spreadsheets monthly charts

Using your data from the Ultimate Day & Swing Trading Spreadsheet

Our ultimate day & swing trading 1-year tracker spreadsheet is INCLUDED, you will use this spreadsheet year after year by creating copies and all the trading data from each spreadsheet will be generated automatically! Automatic stock price data pulled from google finance full of helpful charts, easy to read red to green days using a 1-year calendar, commission is calculated for you, a trail stop calculator to help you buy and sell fast using your personal preference of trading, view your accuracy and percentage easily, make changes on the way you trade by looking at your win and loss ratio and your Biggest to Smallest profit information, easily compare daily or weekly income. There is so much more great fully automated information provided to help you improve and analyze your day trading experience. Keep track of all trades like a pro easily. A PDF instruction guide manual will be included to help you navigate and start trading in 5 minutes.





Stats Information

Real-time stock price from google finance

Master Stocks Trading 50 Years Spreadsheets info charts

Combining multiple years of your trading data into one master spreadsheet

View multiple years of trading on a beautiful display side-by-side chart view. Easy to read and very informative personal data you created from trading in the stock market using our 1-year tracker spreadsheet.

This spreadsheet is designed to analyze your progress year after year. For the magic to happen, you will connect your 1-year tracker spreadsheet to this master 50 years spreadsheet easily one time. No worries! Then repeat every year on forward.

Master Stocks Trading 50 Years Spreadsheets p&l chart

Choose From 2 Beautiful Data Information View Modes

Scroll to reveal all your stock trading data collected from all your years of trading in the stock market in 2 beautiful view modes. Easy to read side by side comparison information of trading at your fingertips. From top to bottom or left to right, the choice is yours.

Master Stocks Trading 50 Years Spreadsheets data view
View 1


Master Stocks Trading 50 Years Spreadsheets data view 2
View 2


Our Master stock Trading 50 years tracker spreadsheet is useless without first getting your hands on our Ultimate day & swing trading 1-year tracker spreadsheet. 


That is why we offer BOTH the Master Stock Trading 50 Years Spreadsheet & the Ultimate Day & Swing Trading 1-Year Spreadsheet



After purchase, you will receive the download link. Get it today!




